Feedback Should Be a Gift

How to deliver and receive it

In this week’s solo episode I do a deep dive on how I’ve struggled to give feedback and the journey I took to develop the skill. The journey was full of bumps, hang ups and but there’s hope for all of us.

  • How to avoid the common pitfalls when offering feedback

  • How to be mindful of the recipient

  • Crafting the message to ensure impact

  • How to receive feedback well

Reflection Prompt 🤔 

When you give feedback, how is it received? Do you personalize it to the way the recipient best metabolizes information?

Bonus Reading 📚️ 

On Social 📱 

Listen to the show on Spotify. If you’d consider following/subscribing that would be incredible!

Factoid of the Week 📌 

64% of employees want more feedback than they’re currently getting